The Message?

I’ve started to consider the message behind the idea that I am going with.

I want to show how eroticism doesn’t have to be something blatant that is pushed in our faces everyday and I want to relate it to my dissertation in the sense that it can be an entirely subjective and personal experience.

I want it to be a ‘how to’ manual and a means of storytelling so that the eroticism is not visual but is mental.

I feel however that I need a slightly better message, a little bit of a more original twist to add to it. I’m not sure whether the manual/app should be to help passion in relationships or if that’s too obvious.

I have developed the idea of the manual and feel that it may also work as an accompanying app, both of which I have never done before so will be a challenge.

The typography will also reflect the experience..aside from the typography on the front which will reflect eroticism, the writing within the manual will be ordinary and regimental like the visuals.

(Insert Visuals)