Moving image

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So after deciding, at this point slightly reluctantly, to create a moving image I sketched out some potential ideas that I could create with iStop motion.  They were still very loose ideas as for some reason I was struggling with visualising them working.

I started to make some progress in regards to putting together an animation and had more of an idea of where to start going with it.

After the tutorial I came away once again with some important things to consider, I really had to think about how this would get to the public and make enough of a difference, whether it would be on a social media site or somewhere else. Another thing that changed from the tutorial is that I’m no longer doing an animation, I’m going to try and improve my filming skills by creating a short film. I am pretty apprehensive about doing this because i’ve never really created a film but I was persuaded as now is the time to improve upon skills, whilst I have all of the resources around me in a learning environment.